Info Serial :
[Gen]...........................Crima, Fantezie, Horror
[Notă IMDB].....................7.5
[Link IMDB]..................... Lost girl
[Staruri].......................Anna Silk, Kris Holden-Ried, Ksenia Solo
[Durată]........................60 min/episod
Serialul ne-o prezintă pe superba şi carismatica Bo, o creatură cunoscută în folclor sub numele de succubus, despre care se ştie că se hrăneşte cu energia oamenilor din jur, adesea cu consecinţe fatale.
Refuzând să se asocieze cu cei ca ea şi să se supună regulilor şi ierarhiilor rigide din interiorul clanului, Bo devine o renegată ce luptă pentru ajutorarea celor slabi, încercând în acelaşi timp să afle povestea misterioasei sale origini.
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Episodul 2: Where There is a Will, There is a Fae
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Episodul 3: Oh Kappa, My Kappa
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Episodul 4: Faetal Attraction
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Episodul 5: Dead Lucky
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Episodul 6: Food for Thought
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Episodul 7: ArachnoFaebia
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Episodul 8: Vexed
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Episodul 9: Fae Day
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Episodul 10: He Mourning After
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Episodul 11: Faetal Justice
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Episodul 12: (Dis)Members Only
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Episodul 13: Blood Lines
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Episodul 1: Something Wicked This Fae Come
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Episodul 2: I Fought the Fae (and the Fae Won)
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Episodul 3: Scream a Little Dream
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Episodul 4: Mirror, Mirror
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Episodul 5: BrotherFae of the Wolves
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Episodul 6: It is Better to Burn Out Than Fae Away
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Episodul 7: Fae Gone Wild
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Episodul 8: Death Didn`t Become Him
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Episodul 9: Original Skin
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Episodul 10: Raging Fae
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Episodul 11: Cant See the Fae-Rest
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Episodul 12: Masks
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Episodul 13: Barometz. Trick. Pressure
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Episodul 14: Midnight Lamp
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Episodul 15: Table for Fae
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Episodul 16: Schools Out
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Episodul 17: The Girl Who Faed with Fire
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Episodul 18: Fae-nted Love
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Episodul 19: Truth and Consequences
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Episodul 20: Lachlans Gambit
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Episodul 21: Into the Dark
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Episodul 22: Flesh and Blood
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Episodul 1: Caged Fae
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Episodul 2: Subterrfaenean
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Episodul 3: Confaegion
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Episodul 4: Fae-de to Black
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Episodul 5: Faes Wide Shut
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Episodul 6: The Kenzi Scale
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Episodul 7: There is Bo Place Like Home
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Episodul 8: Fae-ge Against the Machine
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Episodul 9: The Ceremony
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Episodul 10: Delinquents
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Episodul 11: Adventures in Fae-bysitting
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Episodul 12: Hail, Hale
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Episodul 13: Those Who Wander
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Episodul 1: In Memoriam
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Episodul 2: Sleeping Beauty School
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Episodul 3: Lovers. Apart.
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Episodul 4: Tun to Stone
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Episodul 5: Let the Dark Times Roll
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Episodul 6: Of All the Gin Joints
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Episodul 7: La Fae Epoque
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Episodul 8: Groundhog Fae
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Episodul 9: Destinys Child
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Episodul 10: Waves
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Episodul 11: End of a Line
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Episodul 12: Origin
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Episodul 13: Dark Horse
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